Katalitichesky neutralizer is the device which demands while in service the attention and care car.
Apply only неэтилированный gasoline.
In due time make fuelling as soon as the signalling device of a minimum level of fuel in a tank will light up: the insufficient quantity of fuel can cause faults in engine work.
It is forbidden to apply any additives to engine oil is can lead to serious damage and catalyst failure. Apply only those additives to fuel which are recommended Peugeot.
At possibility it is necessary to avoid frequent, following one after another, engine starts at low temperatures.
Do not force turns of a cranked shaft of the engine.
Do not increase engine turns directly ahead of ignition deenergizing.
Avoid parking on inflammable dust (dry leaves or a grass) since the fulfilled gases of the engine have a heat.
If at engine start there are difficulties do not continue unsuccessful attempts to start the engine. Also do not start the engine by means of towage or a pusher since not burnt down fuel can put the catalyst out of action.
If there are faults in work of system of ignition or loss of capacity of the engine lower speed and at the first possibility address on HUNDRED.
If the raised noise check up a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases is distributed.